Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ella is fine...Mommy & Daddy are disappointed!

It's taken me a few days to digest what happened at our appointment with the perinatologist last Wednesday. I should begin with the most important news...Ella looks great and is growing and thriving. For that, we are incredibly thankful!
The disappointing piece of the visit was when our doctor-who had previously agreed to deliver our sweet baby-let us know that he would not be able to deliver her if I did not agree to an elective c-section. Let me reassure you that a c-section is NOT medically necessary with her condition. So why would I have a c-section if I don't have to?!? We were absolutely shocked! From the start of the visit, he stated his disagreement with the cardiologist about a natural delivery. He felt that it was more important to have a set time & date so that everyone involved with her care after delivery knows exactly when she will arrive. We understand why he would feel that way, but we also believe that a scheduled induction can pass on that information as well--give or take a few hours. When we set the date for our induction, the NICU will be informed, as well as the staff at Children's MC. The thing that bothers us the most is that he agreed to deliver Ella for us, and when he agreed, he never once said that he would ONLY deliver our baby if we agreed to a c-section. It's so hard for me to wrap my head around this. Considering our baby's unique situation, I can't believe that he would blind-side us with this less than 3 weeks from delivery! Maybe this is a blessing in disguise...
On a more positive note, I put a call in to Children's MC and spoke to the pediatric cardiologist. She reassured me that having a natural delivery was in no way going to harm Ella, nor would it compromise her care following delivery. I am so thankful to her for putting my mind at ease!
So, here's the new plan for delivery. We have a new Ob/Gyn at Baylor, Dr. Crochet. We met her briefly after our other appointment on Wednesday,and we both really liked her. During our visit with her, we set the induction date for April 22. Abe was thrilled with having her on the 22nd...if you don't know, that is his all-time favorite number. (he came back from a trip to Vegas with a tattoo of the # 22 on his ankle...crazy Daddy!)
Luckily, we get to go back to Dr. Read this Wednesday for our check-up. His ultrasound tech will do a bio-physical profile, so I will be able to share an estimated weight following our visit.
Please pray for Ella to continue to grow bigger and stronger, and for Mommy and Daddy to have the strength to get through the next few months.
Love to all,
The Morrison's


  1. I am so sorry that this is happening right now. I am so proud of you for keeping a positive attitude. Just remember we are keeping you in our prayers. God has a special plan for you guys! Love you girl!

  2. Hi Addy! It has been a while. I cannot imagine what you guys must be going through right now, but I have to say--God showed a lot of faith in you and picked the right Mommy for the job of mothering this little angel. I will pray for you in the weeks to come, and of course watch this blog. Take care, and I hope we get a chance to catch up soon.

    Kate Hebert

  3. Allison's birthday is April 22nd, too!
    We are thinking of you always and praying for the best.
    Vanessa & Tom
    Kathryn, Allison & Sammie

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