Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Visit with doctor on April 8th

I had my last visit with Dr Read this afternoon. The bio-physical profile produced good results. Miss Ella looks great and is now estimated to weigh 7 lbs 2 oz...she's almost a full pound heavier than our ultrasound 2 weeks ago! I was thrilled!!! My exam with Dr Read caught me by surprise. He let me know that I am 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. I asked him if he thought I would make it two more weeks, and he wasn't so sure that I would. In order to attempt to slow down labor, I have orders to stay off of my feet (as much as possible) and to drink lots of water. Evidently, Ella has her own plans for her arrival and she's already at work!
My plan now is to call Dr Crochet tomorrow morning and ask her what she wants me to do. I'm thinking that she'll want to see me in the next couple of days, also. I'm off to pack my bags for the hospital! I'll let you know what Dr Crochet has to say....


  1. We love you all and are praying that the delivery goes smoothly. We can't wait to welcome Ella into the world. Tell Grady Aunt Shawnie has some goodies for him when I get to see him next. Love to all. Aunt Shawnie

  2. Hey Addie,
    This is Donna from Lamkin. I was blown away when I read your blog about sweet Ella. I wish I was close enough to surround you in my arms and give you a great big hug. You know that you are in my prayers nightly that God will take care of you and place his healing hands Ella. May God be with you and give you courage, patience and wisdom. I will keep up with your blog. Love ya!
